I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
This resource relates to Easter and contains 5 flexible lesson plans with PowerPoint Presentations for each lesson.
The Easter story is finally told in lesson 5 - You can start with any lesson.
1. Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday -Literacy link on Instructions for making pancake and what Shrove Tuesday means for some Christians.
Worksheets - Sequence pictures (differentiated)
2. Why Christians celebrate Lent and the meaning of Ash Wednesday (3 worksheets)
3. Why we eat Easter eggs and hot cross buns and their link to Easter. (2 worksheets)
4. 3 Special Days in Holy Week (Palm Sunday/Maundy Thursday/Easter Friday (2 worksheets)
5. The Easter story Part 1 and 2 told via Presentations -whole class activities included and worksheet. The story is told by Granddad Joe and Calvin asks some questions. There is also some narration.
Worksheets and activities on all lessons.
All editable and printable.
Hope you enjoy this resource.
This phonic resource comprises a PowerPoint Presentation on:
Consonant digraphs - ch, sh, th,ng
Vowel digraphs/trigraphs:
- ai, ee, igh, oa;
-oo (long/short), ar, or;
- ur, ow, oi, er
- ear, air, ure
- Combinations of digraphs- e.g. chair, torch, coach
- Answers in pdf. Reading Sentences
- Wordsearches with answers
- There is a reading text on PowerPoint for whole class reading activity.
- True or false questions on PowerPoint relating to the text.
- Drawing pictures to go with simple sentences.
- Reading text and choosing the correct word to insert in the sentence.
- Missing graphemes and jumbled words activities.
- Reading captions and sentences.
- Blank handwriting sheet - img031.pdf
All resources can be adapted.
Visit my shop - you may be interested in:
Onset and Rime - 21 sets
Making Plurals
I have uploaded two sets of lower case letters a to z to be printed onto card paper and laminate.
A lovely addition to your Alphabet/Phonic station.
Aimed at EYFS/Year 1, EFL/ESL students
Children practise moulding dough on top of the letters with dough/ plasticine.
Children practise writing inside the letters with different colour drywipe pens.
Print out as many times as you like - children can draw pictures beginning with the name of the letters.
Opportunity to use as a teaching resource showing children how to form lower case letters.
Hope this is useful.
For forming capital letters see free resource:
This resource contains a display of Roman numbers and words.
Use as a lesson starter for recalling Roman numbers.
Print and laminate flashcards for repeated use.
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Labelling the 4 countries of the UK - Flag of St George, St Andrew, St Patrick & the Welsh Dragon - The Union Jack Flag to colour in.
Differentiated Worksheets - Unscramble the four cities and correctly match them to the countries.
There is basic information on the UK and the development of the UK flag together with worksheets. Please adapt to suit lessons.
The cut/paste activity has been taken from Curriculum Bank (Scholastics) - Geography KS1 Text.
I have not included Southern Ireland as part of the UK. The location of Southern Ireland is shown so that educators and children can see where Northern Ireland is located.
New editable worksheets added and Presentation
This is a minibeast science topic that can also be used in maths for presenting data in a block graph. Feel free to adapt worksheets. Pictures of minibeasts obtained from the kidspuzzlesandgames website.
Desired outcomes: Looking for minibeasts and recording
How to present data in an easy presentable way
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Handy time-saving worksheets
After looking at and discussing real instruments, the three worksheets involve sorting different musical instruments e.g. blowing, bang/hit, shake or pluck and then labelling the same. They can be adapted for differentiation.
I have uploaded a resource to support children’s learning of the alphabet.
Children draw a line from each picture to the correct beginning letter name.
There are two sets which you can laminate for use with drywipe pens or you use as worksheets.
Two different lower case 'k’s are used.
Full pack link:
Hope you find it useful.
This resource relates to onset and rime word families.
Aimed at: Reception Class/KS1, SEN and ESL/EFL Students.
<strong>Product Content:</strong>
Onset and Rime PowerPoint Presentation with animation
Recording worksheet
Hexagon shape card – laminate and cut out
Onset card divided into three sections for onset and rime activities - laminate
This presentation is an introduction to onset and rime presented in a way that children understand the concept and consolidate their knowledge by carrying out practical activities and recording their work on a worksheet or into their workbooks.
I find this resource very useful, especially in smaller group settings.
There are so many onset and rime word families. I have used the easier ones in the presentation.
To make this resource flexible and ‘hands-on’, I have made an onset card which you can laminate.
Once I laminated the card, I dabbed the letters with a dry erase pen on the onsets I wanted children to use to make onset and rime families. So there is an opportunity to differentiate the tasks.
I have also made a hexagon shape rime card. Just laminate and write the rime you want the children to use together with the Onset Card.
You can differentiate the activities by choosing the rimes you want the more advance groups to use and easier rimes for the groups that find blending onset and rime challenging.
Dabbing the onsets you want some children to use with the rimes makes it easier for them to build word families.
Hope you enjoy using this resource.
Thank you for your interest:-)
I have uploaded one set of A4 size numbers 0 to 20 to be laminated and displayed. You can enlarge if you wish.
Also included is a set of number formation activity sheets with direction arrows for children to practise writing numerals.
Aimed at EYFS/Year 1, EFL/ESL students
1. Children practise moulding dough on top of the numbers with dough/ plasticine.
2. Children practise writing inside the numbers with different colour drywipe pens.
3. Print out as many times as you like - children can draw pictures, count out objects to represent the number they are working on.
Opportunity to use as a teaching resource showing children how to form tricky numbers e.g. the number 8.
File Type: Publisher and Pdf format.
Hope this is useful.
This Math resource comprises:-
- Teachers' Notes
- Number bonds to 5, 10, 20 and 100 activity worksheets - cut/paste missing numbers.
- Equations to 5, 10 and 20
- Activity sheets A, B, and C where the children have to work out which two missing numbers to insert to complete the number sentence. They can only use the numbers on the cut/paste sheet - and not to use their own numbers.
- Pdf. Answer sheets for the above activity sheets A, B, and C.
- Simple equation activity worksheets - introduces children to equations and the meaning of the equal sign.
Ideal for assessment.
Letters and sounds SATPIN and sets 1 to 5. Whole class teaching in powerpoint - These resources can be used in letters and sound revision to improve reading for blending and segmentation.
There are various worksheets including pdf worksheets to go with the presentations.
I have made up some captions using words made up from Sets 1 to 5, Letters and Sounds i.e. s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, r, e, u, ck, h, b, l,ll, f, ff, ss and sight words no, go, I, the, to.
Updated to included b/w worksheets and number lines clipart.
This mixed bag maths resource pack contains:-
5 Flexible Lesson Plans
5 PowerPoint Presentations.
Number line 0-10
Number line 0-20.
Worksheets to go with each of the lessons
Content of lessons:
Lesson 1: Addition with number line up to 10; extension up to 20 for more able children.
To use number line to work out addition sums.
Lesson 2: Subtraction with number line up to 10; extension to 20 for more able children.
To use number line to work out subtraction sums.
Lesson 3: Money activities - recognising coins and using exact value to pay for items.
Extension work adding two items together up to 20p.
To recognise coin values and use exact coins to pay for items.
Lesson 4: Counting in twos. Worksheet activities on this. Gap filling number sequences and counting in two worksheets.
Counting in twos - money worksheet 2p.
To recognise number sequences and count in twos.
Lesson 5: Simple word maths problem for children to solve. Worksheets differentiated.
To solve simple maths problems using addition or subtraction operations.
Learning objectives, starter activites and main lessons are in the lesson plans.
US Version
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This resource is an addition to my previous pack on telling the time.
There is a PowerPoint Presentation - each slide is referred to in the lesson plans.
All lesson plans contain starter activities and lesson objectives.
This product relates to telling and writing the time using am and pm and digital clocks.
Lesson 1: Read quarter to times - children will see the long hand points to 9.
Lesson 2: Read the time at 5 minute intervals, e.g. 8.40 pm
Lesson 3: Read 24 hour analogue clock why we use am/pm
Lesson 4: Read 24 hour digital clock and convert am/pm to analogue times
Lesson 5: Time problem questions - Slides on how to approach them.
There are 5 detailed lesson plans on how you can teach the above lessons with the PowerPoint slides for whole class teaching. You can choose what you want to include from the lesson plans.
There are differentiated worksheets for each lesson. The lessons also include practical activities to reinforce the concept of time.
File Type: PowerPoint Presentation, Word and PDF formats
Pack 1 of 2 Resources can be found at:
This resource contains data and graphing relating to pictograms, bar charts, block graphs and tally charts and tables. It also includes lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations and worksheet activities.
In line with the NC 2014 - Making and using pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables.
There is a PowerPoint Presentation on each lesson.
Lesson Plans contain:-
Oral/Mental Starters
Main activities
Plenaries (Recap session)
Lesson Plan 1: Pictograms - Children read and create pictograms - Differentiated worksheet activities and question sheets.
Lesson Plan 2: Children create and read block diagrams- worksheet activities on block graphs and question sheets.
Lesson Plan 3: Children read and create tally Charts and data tables. Children will incorporate what they have learnt so far tally and read tables in order to create a pictogram and block graph. - Differentiated worksheet activities.
Lesson Plan 4: Bar Charts (vertical and horizonal) - Children read and answer questions on bar charts and learn to interpret them; produce a bar chart from a table - Zoo Animals.
Surveys on Favourite Fruit, Flavours of Ice cream, Favourite Pets , How Children Travel to School and Favourite Vegetables.
Worksheets and Presentations are editable and printable.
Resources 1 and 2 - Best to print off, laminate and cut out for repeated use.
Now includes PDF versions.
US version
You may be interested in:
St. Valentine-themed Data Handling Resources: Tally Charts, Tables, Pictograms, Block Graphs, Bar Charts , Presentations, Worksheets and Activities
This comprehensive resource contains groups of word families /onset and rime.
There are PowerPoint Presentations to teach onset and rime word families which contain:
Whole class teaching via the Presentations , e.g. saying the onset and rime and seeing why they rhyme.
You can extend the lesson e.g. which two pictures rhyme bud/bed/red which can be played with the picture cards.
There is a Teachers’ Guide on suggestions on how to use this resource.
The Picture Cards and Word Cards should be laminated and cut out for continued use.
Lots of activities for children to do:
Matching words to pictures and vice versa with the laminated cut out picture/word cards
Cut/paste activities to sort onset/rime word families
Sorting into boxes - read words below using phonological knowledge to sort words
Write simple captions for the pictures and then color in, eg. rat on a cat, dog on a log using key sight words , a, an, the and on.
Worksheet - write initial phoneme to complete word
Worksheet - write ending of rime to complete each word
Onset/rime covered: -at, -ad, -ag, -an, -et, -en, -eg, -ed, -ot, -og, -in, -ig, -ug, -un, -ip, -ut,
-ap, -op, -ay, -it -ox, and additional resources for -um, -ud, -ob, -ub, -ix, -od, -on and -am
All resources are printable, editable and can be adapted to suit your class.
Learning aim: Recognise and produce rhyming words.
File Type: Word and PowerPoint contained in a .zip file
You may be interested in the bundle:
UPDATED - Includes PDF Format of all worksheets, lesson plans and word search solutions.
This colourful resource is a detailed introduction to teaching split digraphs.
There are 5 PowerPoint Presentations - which includes whole class activities.
<strong>Each presentation focuses on a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e split digraphs. </strong>
<strong>The phonic pack also contains: </strong>
5 lesson plans - slides are referred to in the plans - includes objectives and key questions.
Differentiated activities - filling in split digraph letters, write sentences, word searches, correcting misspelt words (highlighted), e.g. hoem, tiem.
Solution to the word searches
Practical activities making split digraph words on laminated strips.
Split digraph strips, letters a-z, consonant digraphs and consonant blends - to be laminated and cut out.
Flashcards for teaching
Teacher’s Notes
If you only require worksheets only, visit:
Goes well with:
File type: Power Point, Microsoft Word and PDF
This product teaches division focussing on sharing equally or fairly.
Sharing is usually the first step students embark on when learning division.
Aimed at: Keystage 1, and SEN
<strong>Content: </strong>
PowerPoint Presentation (22 Slides) includes practical activities, interaction of students and learn how to work out sharing problems and how to write number sentences. Also explains what each of the digits mean in a division number sentence and what the division sign means in the context of sharing.
Detailed Lesson Plan- includes learning objectives, lesson starter, main activities and plenary. All slides are referred to in the plan.
Worksheets: -
Activity 1 - 9 pages of cut/paste activities (differentiated) includes completing missing number sentences.
Activity 2 - 9 pages of cut/paste activities (differentiated) sharing between 3 people.
Additional Worksheets 1 and 2 - Solving gummie bears problem.
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A dragon-themed resource relating to place value: tens and ones.
- Worksheet 1 (3 pages) - Students group the dragons in tens and then add on the ones to make the number which they write in the blank box.
- Worksheet 2 (10 pages) -This is a cut and paste activity where by the students partition the number at the top into tens and ones by cutting out dragons and sticking the correct number of dragons in the labelled circles (tens/ones).
- Worksheet 3 (10 pages) - This is a cut and paste activity as above but the activity goes one step further whereby the students write the number in a place value frame or grid.
- Worksheet 4 (5 pages)(extension) - This is for the more able and the students are ready for the next step. The numbers are higher. The students write the number that is at the side of the place value grid into the grid.
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Images are royalty free from Pixabay free images.
Hope you enjoy this dragon-themed resource which goes well with resources relating to legends and myths and special days such as St George’s , St Patrick’s and St David’s Day.
This bundle contains 6 products relating to the six different types of adverbs as listed below:
Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of Degree
Adverbs of Purpose/Reason
Adverbial Phrases and Fronted Adverbials
A great product to support your teaching of the different types of adverbs and adverbial phrases that act as adverbs.
You can adapt each product to the level of your class.
Teacher’s notes are included for each product.
Optional: You may just want to use the flashcards for speaking and listening activities and get students to construct their sentences orally using adverbs.
Each product contains display posters to remind students of the general rules. You may not need to display all of them.
There are also vocabulary cards which you can use as flashcards for teaching and then display on your word wall.
Differentiated Worksheets
There are sets of worksheets in each product for students to practise using the different kinds of adverbs and how to use adverbial phrases.
Reading comprehension and associated tasks on adverbials and fronted adverbials.
retrieving answers
inference and interpreting
vocabulary work
creative writing to include adverbials
Please see individual descriptions.
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